!!! Some players don't like to be helped, so if you're one of those, don't read the tips !!!.
In-game help
The game feature more than 100 contextual help popups and dozens of animated illustrations.
The "Explain last turn" feature (available from the settings menu ) is one of the most important help provided to understand every little details about the game. Especially your friends and enemies AI. Each time there's something you didn't understand, use it to replay the last turn with extended explanations.
When you make a long press on enemies, you can read infos about them, including an interesting estimate of the odds of dying/killing them if you attack directly.
You can reset the contextual help popups from the settings menu, don't hesitate to watch them again, there are chances you missed a couple of things.
Almost every tips you'll read here, you can probably find them yourself with the info embedded in the game.
You hate them, they're fast to attack and they're poisonous. One rule if you want to survive : NEVER ATTACK A SPIDER IN DIRECT COMBAT. But how to do that ?
The idea is to delay the moment you need to attack them directly as much as you can. To do that, read the "Gain time" tip.
Wait until you have an attack tile in the grid you can use on them (fireball, net, swing, and so on)
Wait until your special attack is reloaded to use it on the spiders
Some pets like the eagle can also be useful on the spiders with their special attack
Your friends falling in the grid can be useful too, you can take damages on purpose from another safe enemy in the grid (not poisonous or bersek) to lower your life which will bring your friends in the grid. See also the "Your friends" tip.
The anti-poison potion can be ffective too, it' sa good idea to keep one one in your inventory. But note that it will cost you a lot of gold if you systematically use potions agains spiders, and you'll pay it later (not being able to buy upgrades and otehr items).
Don't hesitate yo use the items of your inventory. See also the "Your inventory" tip.
Bersek enemies
When you're not in "resist" mode , you can attack "safely" most enemies. Your "resist" ability will make you resist with 1 point of life even if you take one million damages. But some enemies (like the Old dragon, or the Troll) can get bersek on low life. These are very dangerous enemies. If you atack them without killing them, they can turn bersek, and riposte with a triple attack that can kill you even if you were not resisting before starting.
Be careful to Old dragons, their skin is a very effective shield, sometimes you think you can kill them, but actually they survive, they turn bersek, and they kill you in the following triple riposte.
Like for the Spiderlings, you need to gain time until an interesting attack tile falls in the grid, or until your special attacks (you/pets/friends) are reloaded.
Weak but annoying...
Ghosts are weak, but they'll attack you as soon as they arrive in the grid.
Most of the time it's not a problem. But if you're resisting and low life, you'll die.
If the radar is red, and if you're resisting, don't hesitate to use a life potion before tapping on a group of tiles. They're cheap, and it's better to use one for nothing than save one and die because of a ghost falling in the grid.
Gain time
Sometimes in Dungerous you're in a tough situation, enemies are too powerful, and all you can do is delay the moment they'll attack you.
Swap the enemies to regroup them, and try to move them up as much as you can
Tap on the smallest groups of tiles to make your enemies fall and to delay their attack. If you've managed to regroup them, you can make fall many of them at the same time.
Tap small groups of tiles and wait until your special attack is reloaded (or your friends/pets ones).
Before using an attack tile in the grid (fireball, net, poison, and so on...) swap it below an enemy to make the enemu fall when you use this attack.
DON'T WAIT IT'S TOO LATE. Sometimes, you know you're on a difficult dungeon. Even if there are no enemies in the grid, tap small groups to gain time, until your special attack it reloaded for example.
If there's a "safe" monster in the grid, you could ignore him and focus on delaying the spiders attack. When your life will be low, your freinds will fall in the grid to help you. See also the "Your friends" tip.
The radar
Be very careful to the radar. If it's red , it means enemies are close.
It's a very bad idea to tap on a large group of tiles when the radar is red . You'll bring many enemies in the grid at the same time which is a tough situation.
When the radar is grey , it's the right time to tap on large groups of diamonds to maximize your earnings.
On tough levels, it's a good idea not to tap on large groups of tiles even if the radar is grey . Why? Because if you tap on small groups, you'll reload your special power faster and you'll be ready for the next wave of enemies.
Your friends
Your friends falling in the grid to help, are essential to your success. They come to help when your life is low. Don't hesitate to take damages on purpose to make them fall in the grid.
Take damages from "safe" enemies only, those who are not poisonous or bersek. Attack them directly or just let them attack you.
DON'T WAIT IT'S TOO LATE. The situation can get very tough very quickly in Dungerous. Don't wait the grid is full of spiders before trying to get your friends in the grid.
When the situation is already complicated, you can focus on the most "dangerous" enemies (spiders, old dragons, trees, bosses...), and let the "safe" enemies attack you to lower your life which will make your friends fall in the grid.
You need to know your friends AI in the grid to master your strategy. They attack first the enemies that will attack the main hero on the next turn. If there are none, they attack the enemies who can't ripost (stuck in a net for example). If there are none, they attack the remainig enemies. When a friend has several choices (for example 2 enemies are going to attack the main hero next), s/he attacks the enemy who has the lower remaining life.
The best way to learn how your friends act, is to use the "Explain last turn" feature available from the settings menu .
Dungeon cleared bonus
The "Dungeon cleared bonus" is abolutely essential to your victory.
Gold is essential to the game, and getting the clear bonus on almost ALL dungeons is mandatory if you want to go far.
Start to prepare your bonus when the dungeon is not far from the end (the end of the dungeon is indicated at the bottom of the screen by a growing white light bar)
When the end is close, and while the exit door is still not there, always keep at least two tiles of the same kind in the grid. For example, you have 4 diamonds remaining, you could tap on this group to remove them all. But, if you're unlucky and only one diamond falls in the grid next, and if the exit door appear, you will never get rid of this new diamond. So, instead of tapping on this 4 diamonds group, swap 2 tiles to form a group of 2 diamonds and tap on this 2 tiles group. You'll have 2 remaining diamonds in the grid, and if one diamond falls later, you can still make a group of 3 diamonds to get rid of them before exiting.
Gold is central in the game, you earned gold when you kill enemies, when you grab coins or diamonds, and you upgrade your heores with gold, you buy items, and pets.
Focus on diamond tiles, regroup them as much as you can and tap on large groups of diamonds.
Try to complete the miniquiests to earn more gold.
In bonus levels, try to tap on on 24 or 25 tiles groups, you'll get a 50 or 100 gold bonus for this.
Spend your gold wisely in the shop. See also the "Shop" tip.
Pets are essential to your success.
Pets are usually a good way to spend your money, but you can't upgrade them (except for Geno's spider bot) in the shop (you can only upgrade them with the team xp system) so you need to select carefully which pet you buy.
Don't wait it's too late to acquire a pet. Sometimes you don't find your ideal pet in the shops, but if you find a descent one, go for it because you might not find a better one later.
Pets take damages for you when you're resisting (except for enemies special attacks), that can be a life saver an interesting element in your strategy.
Know that there's always a free pet at the end of dungeon 15. It's a good idea to have a free pet slot ready for it.
It's usually a good idea to acquire a pet before dungeon 15, but if you think you can reach dungeon 15 without dying and without a pet, you'll save gold and you'll be in a very good situation of the rest of the adventure.
Some of the best pets are unicorns (can heal you), eagles(they're not strong but their special attack triggers often and is a life saver), and wolves (they start bersek, they resist, and they turn bersek again on low life, that's a VERY useful pet).
Against zombies , a pet (any one) can be very useful. Because zombies can resist, you can't kill them in one turn if you're alone (without pets). With a pet, you can.
Your inventory
In some situations, you need to use items from your inventory. A well managed inventory is a key to the success.
Try to have every kinds of items in your inventory to be able to face any situations.
When an item you don't have yet in your inventory, is available in a shop, that's an interesting purchase, especially if it's on promotion.
Don't start a difficult dungeon without at least one life saver item in your inventory (the fireballs scroll , the invisibility scroll , the scroll of reversion , the polymorph spell , what else ?).
USE YOUR ITEMS! If you're in a tough situtation, and if you're not 99% sure you can get out of this without an item, use an item. If you apply all the tips in this page, you'll probably be able to sve a lot of items, but sometimes, you really have to use one.
Be careful to the mega bomb and the tornado scroll . They look powerful at first, but they also bring many new enemies in the grid (especially the mega bomb). It's less a problem when you reach the end of the level.
The tornado scroll is not the most powerful, because it can't kill bosses. But if you have one to use, know that you can switch the orientation of the game (landscape/portrait) to have more options for the tornado path.
Gold is hard to earn and easy to spend...
Don't spend everything on each shop! It's a good idea to keep enough gold in case yuo find a great opportunity in the shop (a rare pet/item for example). You'll regret it if you can't buy it.
You can borrow up to 250 gold in the shop, but the interest rate is 200%, it's very expensive. So only use this functionnality for small amounts or for a really great purchase (an amazing pet for example).
After a while you know what is waiting for you in the next dungeon. Only buy what's necessary to win the next dungeon. And promotions. For example, if the next dungeon is a bonus level, you don't need to buy anything, just wait for the next shop after you win the dungeon.
Don't miss promotions! For example if you have a new pet slot available in a shop at 50% off, maybe you don't need it yet, but that's an opportunity not to miss.
Team XP
You can upgrade your heroes in the shop, but you can also upgrade them with the team XP. Each time you kill an enemy in direct combat (no spells, scrolls, attack tiles). When your Team XP reaches the maximum (50), ALL heroes/pets/friends in the dungeon get a level up.
Team XP efficiency is at its best if all your friends are in the grid when it triggers.
If your XP is close to its max, try to make all your friends fall in the dungeon, even if you don't really need them. See also the "Your friends" tip.
If one of your pet is dead when Team XP level up triggers, it won't get the level up.
Don't attack directly an enemy if it's too risky just to gain XP, think about your survival first.
If Grok is in the grid when team XP triggers, it's taken into account for the "best Grok ever". See also the "Grok" tip.
Yes, Grok is the weakest of all your heroes, but you need to know a few things about Grok...
When Grok is not in your team, all of your heroes get a scroll to call for Grok when they're in trouble.
The "Grok scroll" can be used at no cost, that means you don't consume a turn to use it.
When you call for Grok with the "Grok scroll", the "best Grok ever" falls in the grid. That means the most powerful Grok you played (in 7 lives mode) previously will fall in the grid.
Making a game with the only purpose of upgrading Grok as much as possible can be a valid strategy. When you start a new team later, you'll benefit from a better Grok's help.
When the Team XP level up triggers, if your "best Grok ever" is in the grid, the "best Grok ever" will be improved by this level up. See also the "Team XP" tip.
Special attacks
Most heroes have one special attack (except for Grok ). This change the way you play with each hero.
If you're in a difficult dungeon, tap small groups of tile to reload your special attack before too many enemies are in the grid. See also the "Gain time" tip.
Some special attacks (Jinja and Hectar ) can be improved with being "on fire" (double attacks when eating while being full life) or "bersek" (bersek potion). For example, Jinja can attack all the enemies in the grid in one turn. It's powerful, but it's devastating if in addition she's "on fire" or "bersek"!
Some special attacks can get rid of many enemies at the same time (like the special attacks of Hectar , Jinja and Maalf ). If your power is loaded, you can and you should attract more enemies in the grid (as many as you can for Jinja, a bit less for Maalf and Hectar) before triggering your power.
Pay attention to the special power gauge of your friends in the list. If for example Maalf is in the grid with his fireballs power loaded, whatever will fall in the grid will be anihilated. That's the right time to tap on a large group of tiles.
Healing is not considered as a special attack, but it also changes the way you play a hero. Maalf is the only hero that can heals his friends. When you play with Maalf, let your friends in the grid attack, you can heal them after they got injured. On the contrary, when Maalf is your friend in the grid, attack first with your hero (and take damages), to avoid Maalf taking damages.
When you have pets you feel safe, because they'll take the damages for you if you're "resisting" . But be careful to enemies' special attacks, they randomly hit any of your allies in the dungeon (including you). So your pets don't protect you from the enemies special attacks.
Enemies with special attacks can't use them if you attack them on the current turn, or if they're stuck in a net, or if they didn't spot you.
Be careful to Trolls , they can trigger their "Shockwave" special attack even if they didn't spot your hero.